Friday, 31 May 2013

Standard: 4-0s from last two dailies

Creature decks (listed fast-to-slow):
(lands / creature curve / other spells)
- ThySaintsSurround playing Naya Humans (20 / 12-16-4 / 8) including 4 Hamlet Captains and no Avacyn's Pilgrims
- Silverwave528 playing Red (20 / 9-15-4-8 / 4) including 4 Volcanic Strength as the only non-creature spells
- Gereffi playing Red (21 / 8-15-6-4 / 6)
- werebear03 playing Rg (20 / 8-12-5-8 / 7)
- sneakattackkid playing Rg (21 / 8-12-4-8 / 7)
- Pandabeast24 playing Naya (22 / 8-8-8-6 / 8) with 4 Silverblade Paladin and 4 Rancor
- Jilesoftrees playing "big" Naya Humans (23 / 8-12-7-4 / 6) with 2 Unflinching Courage main
- normajean playing GB (23 / 6-8-10 / 13) with 2 Ulvenwald Tracker, 2 Ranger's Guile and 4 Putrefy
- Thalai playing Junk Aristocrats (23 / 7-15-7 / 8) with 4 Skirsdag High Priest main
- MagicLair playing BWr Aristocrats (24 / 8-10-6-5-2 / 5) with no Boros Reckoners and 2 Zealous Conscripts as the only maindeck red cards
- Dzy playing Edel Naya (24 / 6-10-7-3-4 / 6) including 4 Domri Rade and 4 Thundermaw Hellkite
- bone55 playing Ken Yukuhiro's Big Naya deck (24 / 4-4-8-8-4 / 8) including 4 Huntmaster of the Fells

Reanimator decks:
(lands + elves and farseeks / mulch, grisly salvage, and faithless looting / non-elf creatures + unburial rites / removal)
- orgneone playing Guadelajara-style Junk Reanimator (22+8 / 7 / 19+4 / 0)
- egdirb playing Junk Reanimator (23+7 / 6 / 15+4 / 5) with Loxodon Smiter, Farseek, and Abrupt Decay
- BigPrads playing Junk Reanimator (24+6 / 7 / 18+4 / 1) with Centaur Healer, Farseek, and Blood Baron
- Walka playing Danabeast's 4c Reanimator (23 / 12 / 17+4 / 4)
- Zwischenzug playing 4c Reanimator (23 / 12 / 17+4 / 4), Danabeast's list but with a Voice of Resurgence instead of the Sire of Insanity
- TikyTon playing 4c Reanimator (23 / 12 / 18+4 / 3) with 3 Huntmaster of the Fells

Blue-based control decks:
(lands / card draw / creatures / removal / counterspells)
- peter780107 playing UWR control (25 / 5 / 12 / 16 / 2) with no Azorius Charm or Think Twice, 2 Ral Zarek, and 2 Aurelia the Warleader
- littledarwin playing UWR control (26 / 7 / 5 / 17 / 5) with 3 Azorius Charm and 3 Think Twice

The blue control lists are a bit fuzzy to break down -- lots of cards serve multiple purposes and lots of cards are different between the two lists. Neither of them played more than 3 copies of any spell.

Lists are from the posted DEs on May 29 and 30.

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