Saturday 25 May 2013

Block: Composition of aggro decks

Aggro decks at PT DGM:
  • The Florida Naya deck played 21 lands / 32 creatures / 7 other (going by Chris Fennell's list), and the creatures included 8 one-drops and 16 two-drops.
  • The Rourix Naya deck used 24 lands / 29 creatures / 7 other (going by Jose Francisco de Silva's list and counting "make a token" as creatures). They used no one-drops and 16 two-drops, including 4 Zhur-Taa Druid.
  • Wescoe's GW deck played 23 lands / 32 creatures / 5 other. He used 12 one-drops and 12 two-drops.
  • Josh Utter-Leyton's Rw deck played 21 lands / 28 creatures / 11 other. He used 12 one-drops and 12 two-drops, and he had Legion's Initiative maindeck over Boros Reckoner.
Aggro decks that have 4-0'ed in the last two published dailies:
  • MagicLair playing the same 37 spells as Wescoe
  • xMiMx playing 35/37 of the same spells, except with 2 Vitu-Ghazi Guildmage instead of 2 of the Judge's Familiar
  • Puddingtime playing 35/39 of the same spells as Utter-Leyton, with 4 Viashino Firstblade instead of 4 Frontline Medic
  • Shatun playing 19 Mountains, 33 creatures, 4 Dynacharge, and 4 Mizzium Mortars (similar to Jonas Koestler's 8-1-1 deck from the PT)
  • Medvedev playing a sweet Bant tokens deck featuring 4 Lyev Skyknight and 3 Rapid Hybridization

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