Tuesday 28 May 2013

Block: Tarsc's Big GW Tokens

Another new deck winning on MTGO is a "big" GW tokens deck in block constructed, with Grove of the Guardian, Scion of Vitu-Ghazi, and Gyre Sage.

TARSC has 4-0'd some daily events using this list:

The cards "cut" from Craig Wescoe's PT-winning deck are 4 Dryad Militant, 4 Judge's Familiar, a Rootborn Defenses, and the Civic Saber. Where Wescoe's creature curve went 12-12-4-4, this deck lines up as 4-18-4-4-3, with an extra land and 4 Gyre Sage to help cast the five-drops.

(This list also has Pithing Needle in the sideboard, like any good list should.)

Mini Gnarls went 6-0 in swiss before losing in the semifinals of a PE yesterday with the same 60 cards.

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