Friday 31 May 2013

PT: PTDGM report listings

Known PT Dragon's Maze reports, by finish:

1 -- Craig Wescoe
6 -- Andrew Shrout
7 -- Matej Zatlkaj
9 -- Reid Duke (premium)
10 -- Eric Froehlich
11 -- Luis Scott-Vargas
13 -- Gabriel Nassif (premium)
18 -- Brian Kibler (premium)
30 -- Larry Swasey
31 -- Matt Costa (premium)
32 -- Patrick Sullivan
40 -- Patrick Chapin (premium)
72 -- Conley Woods
77 -- Brian DeMars
209 -- Jim Davis
235 -- Paulo Vitor Damo da Rosa
371 -- Bill Comminos

I'll keep updating this as I discover more reports. Feel free to alert me to more in comments -- non-English is fine.

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