Using the top 8 from Baltimore SCG Open, the top 4 decks from this weekend's online premier events, and the 4-0 decks from this weekend's posted dailies, here are some new standings from the horse-race for best deck in standard:
- The UWR deck has a core of Snapcaster, Revelation, Think Twice, Dissipate, Azorius Charm, and a lot of burn spells, judging by its MtgGoldfish profile. Both the Goldfish aggregate list and VFS's PE-winning list only use 2 Supreme Verdict. A lot of players have cut Restoration Angel and play a nearly creatureless version.
- The Rg decks here are all from DEs.
- The Naya Aggro finishes are all from the SCG top 8 and all follow Aaron Barich's 0 Burning-Tree Emissary model.
- akiaya's 4th-place BRW Control deck is a bit of a surprise. Highlights include 2 Nearheath Pilgrim and 2 Underworld Connections main.
- TinMan354 made a PE finals with a version of 4c Reanimator that used 2 Rolling Temblor and 2 Pillar of Flame instead of the usual Lingering Souls or Harvest Pyre.
- I called it control on the table, but pelli's Esper deck had the reanimator engine of 4 Forbidden Alchemy and 3 Unburial Rites to put Angels of Serenity into play.
- A lot of the decks marked "control" on this table are creature-based control decks. Those include mikev1919's GB deck (with 4 Desecration Demon, 4 Geralf's Messenger, and 3 Mutilate), MattsuN and aldevab's Loxodon Smiter Bant decks, smh's RUG deck (featuring 2 Izzet Staticaster and 3 Ral Zarek), and Jake Taft's BUG Control (with 3 Mutilate and 3 Warped Physique).
- A 4-0 deck that was closer to pure control was mikebrav's WB deck, featuring 3 Terminus and 3 Blind Obedience.
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