Tuesday 23 July 2013

Standard: Naoki Shimizu's Bant Flash

Of the PTQ winners in the last post, probably the coolest deck is this thing by famous UG master Naoki Shimizu:

2012-style Bant Control decks had, like, Thragtusk and Farseek. Shimizu's deck plays 4 Advent of the Wurm and 3 Unsummon instead of those cards.

There are some defensive creatures in the sideboard, but the maindeck uses only 5 sorcery-speed cards (2 Supreme Verdict and 3 Augur of Bolas). Basically, Shimizu played a dedicated Snapcaster Mage deck to qualify for the pro tour:

  25 lands (with no "ability lands")
  15 card draw (counting Snapcasters and Augurs)
  5 creatures
  12 removal (including 4 bounce effects)
  3 counterspells

Shimizu beat a Zombie deck in the finals of a PTQ near Kobe. Here's a fun sample hand:

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