Saturday 13 July 2013

Pauper: Rebel Post

Rebel Cloudpost decks have started showing up in the Pauper DE results:

This deck by xin30hp was the first to appear, and so far it's the only 4-0 list we've seen. It breaks down into 24 lands + 7 mana artifacts, 13 searchers, 7 removal, 1 Standard Bearer, and 8 rebels you don't really want to draw. The creature curve lines up at 4 / 10 / 8.

Rebels and Cloudposts have always been legal in Pauper, but, as Carlos Gutierrez points out, it's only since Modern Masters that Bound in Silence has been a common.

(For reference: forum threads from 2012 discussing early Rebel decks with Cloudpost and Kaervek's Torch, thread from 2013 worrying about the Temporal Fissure matchup.)

The idea is to play t1 Cloudpost, t2 searcher, t3 Glimmerpost and search. I could see fast decks losing to Aven Riftwatcher every turn, and I could see slow decks losing to the card advantage of getting, like, 10 creatures into play without depleting your hand.

The price of MTGO Cloudposts doubled this week.

The Prophetic Prism / Kaervek's Torch package hasn't been seen in other rebel decks (many run Bonesplitter) but it sort of shows off how perfect the mana-base is here. It should be fun to see if Syncopate Rebels or Faith's Fetters Rebels or Dawnglare Invoker Rebels ever catches on online.

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