Wednesday 10 July 2013

Limited: M14 Common Instants

Creature pump:
Get ready to play around this thing.

W Pay No Heed
1W Show of Valor
G Giant Growth
G Ranger's Guile

WW Celestial Flare
1U Disperse
2U Frost Breath
B Wring Flesh
R Shock
2RR Chandra's Outrage
1G Plummet

Flash creatures:
B Vile Rebirth
3U Nephalia Seakite

1U Negate
1U Essence Scatter
1UU Cancel

Other things:
1B Altar's Reap
R Smelt
G Fog
1G Naturalize

(To scan card texts quicker, consult this Gatherer search + Nephalia Seakite.)

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